Sunday, October 10, 2010

How was your weekend?

Well, in a but busy. 

Friday J got to go with her dad to Summit's homecoming game.  He was planning on taking both the big girls but a certain 3 year old decided to throw one of her famous temper tantrums at quiet time and lost the chance to have a fun night out with dad...bummer.  She had a great time and ran in to all sorts of friends (old and young)

Saturday was full of soccer.  J's game was in the morning so we were able to go so Mickey play his game Saturday afternoon.  Little C is not feeling well so she got to stay home with dad (who also got to watch the Michigan game real time)...isn't she a cutie???

Sunday I kept C home from church since she's got herself a pretty good fever right now.  Russ took the big girls and the Barrett's surprised them and visited St. Lucas.  Apparently the girls were rockin' at choir practice.  We'll see what they do when they are actually supposed to get up in front of everyone and do their thing :) 

In the afternoon we headed up to Grant's Farm to enjoy such an awesome October day.  It's been crazy warm here!!  First thing the girls wanted to do was feed the goats...

Think they enjoyed it?!?!?!?!?!

Luckily the rest of the day we had smiles!!!

Here's to a good night's sleep.  Russ is traveling through Wednesday and we have a busy, busy week ahead.  Let's hope the birthday girl is feeling better soon!

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