Saturday, March 6, 2010

Baby C is Baptized

Four years ago, Grandma Sandy knit a beautiful baptism gown for little Miss J who fit into it perfectly on the day she and Mickey were baptized.  Two years ago, I squeezed E's chubby body into that same gown and  we celebrated her baptism.  Last Sunday, we were blessed with a beautiful day in which we celebrated C's baptism and the fact that she still fit that gown :) 

The Church service and baptism was wonderful - we had all the Barrett boys in attendance and between the six kids involved - everyone handled the service great!  Once the sermon started I had to take C out, but everyone else was on their best behavior.  We would love to get a video of the service - when it was time to go up to the alter for the baptism J realized she was on stage and had a captive audience.  She struck a couple of fancy poses and once Pastor Carl congratulated us and little C she let out a great big squeal in celebration.  Really too cute :)

After Church we had everyone back to the house for brunch and enjoyed a really nice day.   We count our blessings that both Great Grandparents, all the Grandparents and the Barrett's were able to be part of the day.  Grandma L gave C an embroidered handkerchief that was her namesake's.  It was so special to me now and I know that someday will be very special to our Clara Lillian.

(Doesn't that look like an unruly group of cousins?!?!)

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