Saturday, March 6, 2010

E has a big couple of days...

My 2 year old has offically hit a milestone - she's 2 1/2 years old!!!  A lot of "first" things have happened over the past couple of weeks. 

What made her the happiest?  Her first day of school!!!  E has been dying to go to school since J started.  She goes once a week for just 2 hours but she thinks it's totally cool....She has absolutely loved it and has been going for the past two weeks - no tears, loves her teacher and classmates.  Russ and I were talking about how different she has been from J.  When it comes time for C to start school she will just ask me to drop her off in the parking lot :) 

On the other hand, she was not so fond of her first haircut.  Once again, totally different from J who totally dug her getting her hair cut the first time - having adult attention focused on her, getting to watch a movie, sit in a fun "car chair"...E, well, not so much.  I finally talked her into sitting on my lap.  She did it - no tears, but no fun either...we finally got a smile out of her when it was all over.

J took the pic for us - our budding photographer.  C slept through the whole ordeal.  Sweet baby.

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