Saturday, March 6, 2010

Our Chunky Monkey

I'm determined to get pics of C in all her chubby glory, but until then I am going to leave the rolls to your imagination.  She had her 4 month checkup a couple of weeks ago and weighed in at a whopping 17 lbs. 1 oz.  In the past, we have waited until both the big girls were 6 months before starting them on any type of cereal but new studies have come out and I guess the good news is there's no "wrong way" of doing it.  She's had cereal just a couple of times and, while she's eaten it, is not too sure what's happening.  Gives a little shiver when she gets a big bite :)

She has been a great baby - so easy going and is almost guaranteed to giggle when you blow raspberries on her belly. 

Here are just a couple of sweet pics to enjoy this beautiful baby. 

Look at those big, beautiful eyes

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