Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring Break 2010

Last week was Spring Break for the girls and so I decided it was a great opportunity to get down to Atlanta and visit the cousins.  The kids are all so close in age I knew they would have great fun!!  Russ and my dad stayed in STL to work so Grandma and I drove down with the girls - stayed a couple of days - and drove back.  All in all it was a wonderful experience.  I couldn't have asked the girls to be any better on the way down, everyone stayed happy and healthy during our whole stay, and the drive back - well we could have ended an hour earlier but not too bad :) 

Our first morning in Atlanta!

Emmy loved her cousin - kept giving her hugs and more hugs :)

Everyone going for a ride

Ansley had a quick auto repair to perform

The girls had quiet time watching Barbie and the Three Musketeers...Bennett watched too but stayed by Grandma :)

Our second day in ATL enjoyed some park time after breakfast at Chick Fil A

Grandma brought everything for an Easter Egg Hunt

Bennett loved his chocolate

The girls play dress up - J was the photographer

C tried to keep up... :)

Is it a preschool???  Nope...just the cousins on a walk

Emmy saying good bye to her buddy

The Three Musketeers - "One for all and all for one!!!"

Just a little side note - Bennett was such a trooper.  The only boy in the house, he played great with the girls until he had enough and then he just went to play by himself.  What a great little guy.  Someday he will make a fantastic boyfriend/husband!!!!

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