Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Myers Come for a Visit

This winter we were lucky enough to have the Myers come visit on a spur of the moment trip to STL.  It was a great time and we are so thankful that good friends were able to spend some good quality time together. 

Friday night was full of pizza and baths, Saturday was spent at the Magic House and Sunday was basically a quick breakfast and sad farewell.  All the girls got along really well and E is still talking about her buddy Catherine and the good time they had playing house together.

One of my personal highlights of the weekend - Saturday night, after a 2 hour dinner at Dooley's, the kids are downstairs playing and E decides to get sick all over the basement floor.  Absolutely lovely.  Got her all cleaned up and she was never sick again, but I am SURE it was enough to make the Myers think about packing their bags and hitting the road :) 

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