Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Too Busy for Pics...

Why were we too busy for pictures???  Because if was absolutely BEAUTIFUL weather this entire weekend!!  As quoted by stltoday.com, "For persistent cold, this winter has been one for the record books.  Friday marked the 94th straight day that temperatures did not climb higher than 55 degrees here."  Say what??? This winter has been brutally cold.  Not huge amounts of snow, but constant, bone-chilling cold.  This weekend, Mother Nature gave us a beautiful present and presented us with 60-70 degree weather...aawwww, the beauty.  We couldn't get the girls inside and it was great.

We spent almost the entire day Saturday at the zoo with good friends of ours.  I am somewhat positive C was confused by this thing we kept calling "the sun" shining on us.  She has not seen much of it in the 4 months of her life :)  Grandma and Grandpa came for dinner and barbecued.  Completely rejuvenating...

We spent Sunday morning in a block of ice (otherwise known as the Chesterfield Ice Rink) to watch Jimmy play in the state championship game for hockey.  They played a great game but came away with 2nd place.  Once we got out of the cold, we spent the rest of the day taking walks, playing garden, etc.

It's gone back to cooler weather and some rain but I will take it versus the gross cold we have lived with for months on end.

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